Thanking the MLIS students for their generous contributions to mitigate the suffering of the flood victims. 2 Photos SOARING HIGH TO SEIZE DREAMS 13 Photos Maple Leaf International School Scouts visited the National Museum of Science & Technology in Agargaon on October 13, 2023, Friday. 3 Photos Robotics Olympiad 2023 17 Photos 8th DRMC National Language Festival 2 Photos একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি বাঙালির জাতীর জীবনে এক গৌরবময় ও ঐতিহ্যবাহী অধ্যয়। 8 Photos Annual Interschool Literature Festival 4 Photos Canadian Universities Ontario Tech, Windsor Toronto Metropolitan 4 Photos University of Ottawa Representative at MLIS 4 Photos MLIS students of Class XI secured the Champion position in ULAB Biz 5 Photos MAPLE LEAF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SCOUTS 8 Photos BIJOY DIBASH PROGRAM 2022 11 Photos FOREIGN VISITOR 11 Photos EDUCATION FAIR 9 Photos MAPLE LEAF STUDENTS' VACCINATION 6 Photos